Blogs We Love: Miss Neriss

Date: 12th December 2017 | Category: News


We chat with NERISSA MUIJS of

“I grew up on a sheep farm and learnt to crochet, knit, spin and sew when I learnt to ride a bike!”

TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOURSELF… I’m Australian, but I live just outside Amsterdam, with my Dutch husband, five-year-old daughter and our cheeky bunny called Teddy.
COULD YOU TELL US A BIT ABOUT WHAT YOU DO? During the day I work for a multinational software company. I also volunteer for Amsterdam Mamas; I’m a co-host and producer for their podcast for international families in the Netherlands. When I’m not doing either of those things, I design crochet pieces; everything from garments to doilies. Amigurumi was my first love, but now I prefer garments and shawls.
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO START BLOGGING? I’ve been blogging since 2010, first as an expat blogger, and now I talk almost exclusively about crochet. I love yarn, and I love to spin a yarn. Plus, I love the creative outlet that it brings me.
DO YOU USE ANY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA? All of it! Instagram is my favourite (I’m @miss__neriss – that’s two underscores). I try not to spend too much time on Pinterest otherwise that’s me done for the day! I’ll be busy planning home renovations, recipes, learning to quilt, and daydreaming about exotic holidays…
HAVE YOU MADE NEW FRIENDS THROUGH BLOGGING? Loads. Some of my dearest friends are fellow bloggers. I’m so grateful for every single one of them.
Being an expat can be lonely and my blogging friends pulled me through.


HOW DID YOU LEARN TO CROCHET? My Nanna Cronin (she is a close family friend, but I’ve always thought of her as a grandparent) taught me when I was young. I grew up on a sheep farm and come from a long line of creative women so I learnt to knit, spin and sew around the time I learnt to ride a bike!
WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST SOURCE OF INSPIRATION? My surroundings really. I rip pages out of magazines with colours and prints that I like. I’m inspired by garments in shops, or a camel I see on holiday and of course by the demands from my daughter!
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE, OR MOST POPULAR, OF YOUR DESIGNS? My most popular design is the Peek-a-Boo Button Wrap, but my favourites are the Pina Colada shawl and the Egyptian Star Flower stool.
WHAT ARE YOU WORKING ON NOW? I’m always working on about ten different projects. Right now there is a shawl by Berniolie, a few knitted projects, plus a blanket and shawl idea…
WHO ARE YOUR FAVOURITE OTHER BLOGGERS, DESIGNERS OR AUTHORS? My favourite crochet designer is Joanne Scrace. She creates the most beautiful, wonderfully constructed pieces. They blow my mind. I never miss a post from Crafts from the Cwtch, and when it comes to authors, I’m a huge fan of Maaike van Koert. Puur Haken is still my favourite crochet book.

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168 issue

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