Kilim Clutch

Date: 2nd October 2017 | Category: News


This stylish zippered clutch by Deborah Stuart will keep all your essentials safe and close to hand. Find out how to make this gorgeous pure wool project in issue 94 of Inside Crochet, available to order online today, or download directly to your device right now.


Lopi Lettlopi Wool, 100% wool, 50g/100m/109yds Yarn A: Dark Grey Heather 0058 x 1 ball Yarn B: Straw 1418 x 1 ball Yarn C: Pink Heather 1412 x 1 ball Yarn D: Mustard 9264 x 1 ball

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Designer biography

Deborah is an enthusiastic, crocheter, knitter, sewer and jewellery maker. She takes inspiration from the countryside around her home in the Vale of Glamorgan and enjoys designing items that are practical and stylish.

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168 issueFabulous florals: Designer patterns inspired by gorgeous blooms Read more...

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